Linux kernel regression status

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  • 5054e778fcd9
  • Intermittent storage (dm-crypt?) freeze - regression 6.4->6.5 by Marek Marczykowski-Górecki
    [1]: [PATCH 6.6 067/112] swiotlb-xen: provide the "max_mapping_size" method
    , by Greg Kroah-Hartman (monitored)
    [2]: [PATCH 6.1 57/82] swiotlb-xen: provide the "max_mapping_size" method
    , by Greg Kroah-Hartman (monitored)
    [3]: [PATCH 5.15 45/69] swiotlb-xen: provide the "max_mapping_size" method
    , by Greg Kroah-Hartman (monitored)
    [4]: [PATCH 5.10 050/135] swiotlb-xen: provide the "max_mapping_size" method
    , by Greg Kroah-Hartman (monitored)

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    [compiled by regzbot on 2024-11-02 13:55:48 (UTC). Wanna know more about regzbot? Then check out its getting started guide or its reference documentation.]

    [recently 63 events occurred that regzbot was unable to handle]