| BCM20702B0 Bluetooth device in MacBook no longer working by johnbholland, John Holland, and johnbhollandLatest five known activities: Regzbot command history: - linked: "[Bug 217651] BCM20702B0 Bluetooth device in MacBook no longer working" mentioned this regression
, by bugzilla-daemon@kernel.org - note: bb9c26f32e0c in stable/linux-6.4.y referred to this regression
, by Tomasz Moń - monitor: 'Link:' to this regression in `[PATCH 6.4 206/227] Bluetooth: btusb: Fix bluetooth on Intel Macbook 2014`
, by Greg Kroah-Hartman - note: 752a4a227d35 in next referred to this regression
, by Tomasz Moń - note: 95b701543305 in next referred to this regression
, by Tomasz Moń - fixed: 95b701543305 in mainline referred to this regression
, by Tomasz Moń - fixed: 'fix' commit '95b701543305' now in 'mainline'
, by Tomasz Moń - fix: f0408f0a1998 in next referred to this regression
, by Tomasz Moń - linked: "[Bug 217651] BCM20702B0 Bluetooth device in MacBook no longer working" mentioned this regression
, by bugzilla-daemon@kernel.org - linked: "[Bug 217651] BCM20702B0 Bluetooth device in MacBook no longer working" mentioned this regression
, by bugzilla-daemon@kernel.org - linked: "[Bug 217651] BCM20702B0 Bluetooth device in MacBook no longer working" mentioned this regression
, by bugzilla-daemon@kernel.org - monitor: 'Link:' to this regression in `[RFC PATCH] Bluetooth: btusb: Fix bluetooth on Intel Macbook 2014`
, by Tomasz Moń - linked: "[Bug 217651] BCM20702B0 Bluetooth device in MacBook no longer working" mentioned this regression
, by bugzilla-daemon@kernel.org - linked: "[Bug 217651] BCM20702B0 Bluetooth device in MacBook no longer working" mentioned this regression
, by bugzilla-daemon@kernel.org - linked: "[Bug 217651] BCM20702B0 Bluetooth device in MacBook no longer working" mentioned this regression
, by bugzilla-daemon@kernel.org - linked: "[Bug 217651] BCM20702B0 Bluetooth device in MacBook no longer working" mentioned this regression
, by bugzilla-daemon@kernel.org - dup: the regression "Re: bluetooth broken in Intel Macbook 2014" was marked as duplicate of this
, by johnbholland - dup: the regression "bluetooth broken in Intel Macbook 2014" was marked as duplicate of this
, by Paul Menzel - introduced: c13380a55522bf14e54779a142487c224509db95 #regzot monitor: https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=217651 ^
, by Paul Menzel - linked: "bluetooth broken in Intel Macbook 2014" mentioned this regression
, by John Holland
| mainline |